Beauty in Decay

Recording often abandoned decaying interiors are rich pickings for photographers. David Wilson Photographer has captured moving images during his journey through Wales. The work of David Simonton has highlighted beauty in decay although he’s captured a slightly different era.

Even in my lifespan I have noticed change and this was notable during my research in the re-construction of Ty Unnos following the initial re-construction in 2006. I spent 5 years scouring the Welsh countryside in search of original home-made homes. Unfortunately the vast majorities of the cottages were in a sad state of repair - often abandoned and overgrown with vegetation. I must confess nothing quite prepares you for the excitement of discovering an abandoned cottage which preserves records of how they were built.

But I guess that things are always susceptible to change and I couldn't help thinking this during my visit to Barley Saturday held in Cardigan. How sad it would be if these traditions also disappear.

Dandelion Tea


Spring is a time to clean, detox and investigate how we feel in our bodies. Ask yourself this question: do I feel sluggish or energized?

When it comes to my mind and body, if something is feeling off, I turn to nature. I’ll smell Jasmine, walk through a wild garlic dwindle, lay in the grass. It’s not a coincidence that there are so many natural remedies.

This week, feeling tired and behind everything, I decided to turn to Dandelion Root. Though the flower (Taraxacum) is a pestering weed to many, I wouldn’t hack it away so fast; health-wise it detoxes the liver, promotes healthy digestion and aids weight loss.

You can buy prepackaged tea bags at health food stores or try a homemade remedy. The roots and leaves provide most of the nutrients but add the flowers for a burst of flavour. Just make sure to chose Dandelions that have not been sprayed.

Natural, nourishing and oh-so-good for you.

Spring is in the Air

Sowing one tiny seed in Spring can give a huge sense of satisfaction and each growing year is a whole new opportunity to put on a stunning show in the garden, whatever its size.

The very idea something so small can, as if by magic, turn into anything as towering as a runner bean plant or as fragrant as a sweet pea is still hard to believe. But somehow it happens and, just in case you need reminding, follow our gardening feature for inspiration.